Martin Shkreli
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Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Has Been Convicted In Federal Fraud Case
6 hours ago ... Several weeks ago, Martin “Pharma Bro” Shkreli's securities fraud case began — depending on one's perspective — ominously or gloriously when a few hundred prospective jurors couldn't move past calling him “evil” and ...(続きを読む)
"In 2007, Lehman Brothers sued Elea in New York state court for failing to co...
"In 2007, Lehman Brothers sued Elea in New York state court for failing to cover a 'put option transaction' in which Shkreli bet the wrong way on a broad market decline. When stocks rose, Shkreli didn’t have the funds to make the bank whole. In October 2007, Lehman Brothers won a $2.3 million default judgment against Shkreli and Elea", but Lehman collapsed before it could collect on the ruling.[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Shkreli 4行目の、「Shkreli didn’t to make the bank whole.」の意味は シュクレリ氏はこの投資銀行の損失をカバーする資力がなかった と理解したのですが間違いですか。to make the bank whole の意味がよくわかりません。(続きを読む)
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