Selena Gomez adapts 'Thirteen Reasons Why' for Netflix Selena Gomez, left, and her mother, Mandy Teefey, are the executive producers of “13 Reasons Why.” Playwright Brian Yorkey wrote the adaptation of the series(続きを読む)
“13 Reasons Why” : Hannah et ses peurs Interview avec Tom McCarthy (“Spotlight”), réalisateur et producteur de cette nouvelle série Netflix, où la jeune Hannah Baker nous entraîne, post-mortem, dans le jeu de malveillances et de calomnies qui l'ont conduite au suicide. Disponible à partir(続きを読む)
Please circle your answer. Some questions ask you in-depth, so explain it. 1.... Please circle your answer. Some questions ask you in-depth, so explain it. 1. Do you think that Japan produces many suicede? A=Strongly disagree B=Disagree C=neutral D= Agree E=Strongly agree 2. Do you think that why Japanese commit suicide? A=Historical & cultural reasons B= Bullying C=Overworking D= Loneliness E=Economic reason F=Media G=Others If G, write down your answer 3. Do you think that whether historical or cultural factor contributes to the high rates of suicide? 4. What is a reason that students commit suicide? A=Grades B=relationship C=Bullying D= Pressure from parents F=Pressure From teachers 5. Why do people belong to working population commit suicide? A=Economic reason B= Relationship with colleagues and bosses C= Family break down E= Overworking D=Health issue 6. What is the reason that the elderly commit suicide? A=Loneliness B=Health issue C=Economic reason D=Family problem 7. Do you know what saves people considering suicide? A=Totally No B=No C=Neutral D=Yes E=Totally Yes 8. If D or E, What is it ? A=Taking to people around you B=Getting help of specialists C= Finding something they like D=Others If D, describe your answer. 9. Do you recognize that how the government protects suicide attempters? A=Totally No B=No C=Neutral D=Yes E=Totally yes 10. What do you think that what the government should do to save people from suicide? A=Monitoring media B=Free therapy C= Improvement of hospitals D=Regulation of dangerous spots and drugs 11. When you suffer anxiety or heavy stress, how do you release yourself? A=Taking to others around you B= Hobbies C=Getting help of specialists D= Others If D, what is it ? 12. Is there anyone you know who has committed suicide? A=Yes B=No If A, explain it in-depth 13. How old are you A= 0-19 B= 20-30 C=40-50 D= Over 60 !4= What is your gender ? A= Male B=Female(続きを読む)
「飲み物」が入った曲と言えば? タイトルや歌詞に「飲み物」が入った曲でお好きなものがあれば教えてください。 (洋邦、新旧、ジャンル、一切問いません) 私はこんなのが好きです。 Another Cup Of Coffee - Mike & The Mechani...(続きを読む)
アンフェア the end アンフェアシリーズを見ていましたが、私は寺島進さんのファン... アンフェア the end アンフェアシリーズを見ていましたが、私は寺島進さんのファンであり、かつ、寺島進さん演じる山路も大好きな人物です。 今回の黒幕の指示により、山路は暗殺されそうに なりましたが、愛用のライターが銃弾の盾となり、一命はとりとめました。 そこでなのですが、寺島進さん演じる山路が愛用していたライターって、販売されているのでしょうか? アンフェアのグッズを見ても見当たりません。 別に煙草を吸うわけではありませんが、山路のライターが欲しいのです。 煙草を吸わないので、ライターの知識は皆無です。 何かブランドものなのでしょうか? 面倒くさい質問ですが、ご存知の方、教えて下さい。(続きを読む)