North Korea News
North Korea: US, China agree 'provocative' nuclear program cannot ...
10 minutes ago ... In response to Pyongyang's missile test China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi spoke with US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to exchange views on the "situation on the Korean peninsula", China's official Xinhua News Agency ...(続きを読む)
North Korea Videos at ABC News Video Archive at abcnews.com
Browse, search and watch North Korea videos and more at abcnews.com.(続きを読む)
North Korea could 'take Western tourists hostage' if US retaliates
There are fears North Korean special forces could kidnap Westerners in South Korea and hold them hostage if the US attacks(続きを読む)
McMaster calls on North Korea to stop 'destabilizing behavior'
President Trump will “not accept” a nuclear North Korea and he's prepared to act against this “grave threat,” the national security adviser said Sunday(続きを読む)
英字ニュース見てたんですが、どう理解したらいいのかわからない分がありました。 ...
英字ニュース見てたんですが、どう理解したらいいのかわからない分がありました。 翻訳お願いしたいのですが!助けて下さい! 内容 Beiging's unwillingness to apply the full force of its economic influence on Pyonyang necessarily leaves the United States and the international community hamstrung in encouraging change in North Korea. Beiging's public statement prioritizing denuclearization in addressing the North Korea problem are unsupported by its action. 長文になりますが、もしわかれば教えて下さい!(続きを読む)
拉致容疑者親族の周辺団体に献金 http://www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201107/2011070700998&rel=y&g=pol http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/domestic/north_korea_kidnap/?1311238316 自民党だったら飛びついて大叩きするのに どうし...(続きを読む)
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