
What Is Easter


Easter Seals
Easterseals provides exceptional services, education, outreach and advocacy so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our communities.(続きを読む)

Easter Dating Method - Calculate the Date of Easter Sunday
A simple procedure to determine Easter Sunday dates for all years 326 to 4099 A.D..(続きを読む)

GIANFICARO: Easter is about faith and family
We gathered on Easter in our house not built for crowds. We were 25 pounds of family packed into a change purse. Two dozen or so of family, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, sitting and standing, crammed in mom's matchbox-size kitchen, where only(続きを読む)

Easter Sunday 2017: What's open, closed, food stores, malls, Walmart, Target, movie theaters
Easter Sunday 2017: What's open, closed, food stores, malls, Walmart, Target, movie theaters. Updated April 16, 2017. Posted April 15, 2017(続きを読む)

文章が長すぎてわかりません。翻訳お願いします。 COOL! A new Cellular! >Wow~ Wh...
文章が長すぎてわかりません。翻訳お願いします。 COOL! A new Cellular! >Wow~ White day has such a nice history behind it! Right now I'm on "Spring Break". One week off of school for me! >Its a break off of school and work to welcome the new season: Spring. So we call it, Spring Break. Unfortunately, teachers keep students tied up in homework and school projects, so I really don't know where the break is at =) >Anywho~ you asked what Easter is? Well, Easter has many many stories behind it. Catholics/ Christians think of Easter as the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Normal average people who aren't Catholics or Christians think of it as a day to play with their Children, and bond. They color eggs, hunt for eggs in the park and take pictures with the Easter Bunny. You may ask yourself how this ties in together...it doesn't. Just goes to show how crazy Americans are =) >I'm glad you still replied and I hope I didn't confuse you with my reply. >OH~! AND I LOVE YOUR LAST NAME- Suzuki ! It has a cute sound to it! >But, now I don't know what I should call you.(続きを読む)

NHKラジオ英会話講座より How do they set the official day on which Easter falls, anyway? それで、イースターにあたる日は公式にはどうやって決めるんだい? (質問) [...which Easter falls on,]となるところを、[on...(続きを読む)





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