


George Clooney compares Trump presidency to the McCarthy era
The term McCarthyism originates from the anti-Communist witch-hunt against the left led by Senator McCarthy in 1950's America(続きを読む)

On Streaming: A Film about McCarthyism, Edward R. Murrow, and Courage
The recounts the journalistic confrontation of Edward R. Murrow against Senator Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunt for Communists in the 1950s(続きを読む)

The Election of 1968 <質問2>“I shall not seek の訳について 下記のように、...
The Election of 1968 <質問2>“I shall not seek の訳について 下記のように、訳してみました。<間違い>を指摘して下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/us-history/American-History-The-Election-of-1968-134429638.html LYNDON JOHNSON: (a)“I shall not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president.” One reason Johnson decided not to seek re-election was a senator from Minnesota: Eugene McCarthy. 「私は皆さんの大統領として、もう一期を我が党の指名を求めないし、受けま せん。」 ジョンソンが再選を求めないと決めた理由の一つは、ミネソタ州の上院議員、 ユージン・マッカーシーにあった。 *Eugene McCarthy Eugene Joseph "Gene" McCarthy (March 29, 1916 – December 10, 2005) was an American politician, poet マッカーシズム;「赤狩り」で有名 (b)EUGENE MCCARTHY: “I intend to enter the Democratic primaries in four states: Wisconsin, Oregon, California, and Nebraska. The decision with reference to Massachusetts and also New Hampshire will be made within the next two or three weeks.” 「私は、ウィスコンシン・オレゴン・カリフォルニア・ネブラフスカの4州で民主党の予備選挙に出るつもりです。マサチュセッツとニュー・ハンプシャに関する決定は次の2週か3週の内になされるでしょう。」 *少し(いや、大変)ぎくしゃくした訳ですが、直訳すれば、これで良いかどうか、 お尋ねします。(続きを読む)

またまた続きです。。 Ironically, the largest international dating agencies ar...
またまた続きです。。 Ironically, the largest international dating agencies are exempt from IMBRA for suspicious reasons. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Washington) desperately presented f alse and misleading testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on July 14, 2004 (falsely) claiming international marriage brokers were involved in human trafficking of women into the United States. A DOJ study had already concluded no such correlation. Clients of IMBs are essentially a "politically unpopular group." The collective "mass psychological" behavior of human beings sometimes dictates totally irrational responses to events similar to mob anger mentality. Japanese Americans during World War II, a politically unpopular group, were placed in internment camps having done nothing wrong. The proponents continue to use deception , distortion and exaggeration, all of which are a form of lying (political McCarthyism). They carefully engineer "one sided" media interviews with no opposing point of view.(続きを読む)





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