John McEnroe's unpleasant views will always find defenders 22 hours ago ... In December 1981, John McEnroe was playing in a hot-tempered Davis Cup final in Cincinnati when a line call went against him.(続きを読む)
John McEnroe Refuses To Apologize For Serena Williams Comments 22 hours ago ... John McEnroe isn't backing down from his controversial comments about Serena Williams.(続きを読む)
PrettyLittleLiars - Reddit Rules. Be polite and respect each other - no trolling - please read our recent statement on trolling. This subreddit is for discussions about the TV show and the book series, Pretty Little Liars. Memes are allowed, provided that their contents and ...(続きを読む)
Pretty Little Liars ⋆ FOX 8 Pretty Little Liars began as four teenage girls started receiving strange messages from someone named "A" , 7 years later, the story will be concluded.(続きを読む)
アメリカのドラマ、Pretty Little Liarsのメリッサは何歳でしょうか? 大学に通っ... アメリカのドラマ、Pretty Little Liarsのメリッサは何歳でしょうか? 大学に通っているシーンなどは見られないし(見逃しているだけかも知れませんが…)、結婚の話がなくなってからは一人暮ら しをしながら何をしているのかな?何歳なのかな?と疑問を持つようになりました。 みなさんどう思われますか?(続きを読む)