Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor are splitting up after 17 years of ... 1 day ago ... Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor say they are separating after 17 years of marriage. The couple appeared together in films like Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Tropic Thunder and the Zoolander films. They announced the ...(続きを読む)
Ben Stiller, Christine Taylor announce separation - CBS News 19 hours ago ... LOS ANGELES -- Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor announced Friday that they are separating after 17 years of marriage. Stiller and Taylor released a joint statement Friday announcing their breakup. They were married in May ...(続きを読む)
Ben Stiller si Christine Taylor divorteaza dupa 17 ani de casatorie. Celebrul actor de la Hollywood sufera de cancer Au facut anuntul printr-un comunicat comun, in care spun ca prioritatea lor ramane "cresterea copiilor", in calitate de "parinti devotati si prieteni apropiati", asa cum vor fi de acum incolo. Ben, in varsta de 51 de ani, si Christine, cu 6 ani mai(続きを読む)
Ben Stiller separerar från Christine Taylor Tillsammans har Stiller och Taylor jobbat ihop med filmer som ”Zoolander”, ”Dodgeball”, ”Tropic thunder”, ”Arrested development” och ”Zoolander 2”. De senaste åren har varit jobbiga för Stiller. I höstas medgav han att han 2014 drabbades av prostatacancer(続きを読む)