
A Wrinkle in Time

こんばんは。 以前に英語の自己紹介文の英訳とアドバイスを頂いた者です。 その節...
こんばんは。 以前に英語の自己紹介文の英訳とアドバイスを頂いた者です。 その節は大変分かりやすく細かなニュアンスも教えて頂き、感激致しました。 来週その時の英語講座を終えるのです が、最後にプレゼンをすることになっています。 内容の指定はなくかなりカジュアルなものです。 私は犬のことについて話そうと思っていまして、なんとか内容をまとめることが出来ました。 少し長い文で申し訳ないのですが、ぜひsaimonk111さんに手直しとアドバイスを頂きたいです。 特に気になっているのが、文がナチュラルで理解しやすいものになっているかどうか、と、ちょっと固い話になってしまっただろうかということです。 何かもっと面白く感じて貰えるようなユーモアのあるものに出来ないかな?と思っています。 もしお時間があればぜひよろしくお願い致します! I have a dog and a cat. Do you prefer dogs or cats? A dog person?A cats person?(raise your hand) OK.The topic of my presentation is “Dogs”. Sorry, cat people! After this speech you will be able to understand dog's feelings. I would like to talk about three things. First,“How to distinguish the true smile from a stress-smile”. Next,“The Calming Signal”. Finally, “ The feeling of dogs”. 1.How to distinguish the true smile from a stress-smile Please look at this photograph. Do you think this dog is smiling? Actually no.This is called the “Stress Smile”. Compare two photographies. The right dog seems to be happy at first glance. But it feels strong stress. Because it wrinkles up corner of the mouth and the nose. Freezes up the body , the eyes are raised and the ears are picked up. How about the left dog? The true smile is more relaxed facial muscles. Like this. 2.The Calming Signal The calming signal is animal's body language. If you understand the signal correctly , you'll build a better relationship with your pet. Noteworthy points are their eyes , ears and the position of their face. Looking each other in the eyes means “love and trust” for humans. But dogs are completely different. To keep a gaze expresses “hostility or threats”in the dog world. So they often give these friendly signals to show that there is no hostility. Turn the head to break off eye-contact , blink eyes and slick down ears. In the case like this photograph , the dog owner angry but the dog is calm. It's like saying “Please calm down”. Their body language has been called the“calming signal”, because it's used to calm someone or themselves. 3.The feeling of dogs According to the inspection of Stanley Coren who is a psychologist and dog ethologist from Canada , of the 250 dogs 81% don't like to be hugged. The signal that I just described is also used in the expression of stress or anxiety. The dog being hugged is will send those signals. If you realize it , immediately please stop . We tend to humanize them when in contact with animals. But they are the creatures that have a different habit. Please understand their behavior properly and respect it. I think most behavior-problems that dogs cause we don't understand and raise their stress level. We should provide a stress-free life for dogs. The time to spend with them is much less than expected. I hope all dogs live happily.(続きを読む)

明日4/19付で自己都合退職されるある部署の女性管理者に餞の諺か四字熟語でもってシキシを贈りたいと思っています。 再就職や健康等に役立つ諺か四字熟語を本日中に教えてください。よろしくお願いします。(続きを読む)

科学論文翻訳の添削のお願い その4
QNo.8068764の続きです.おもしろそう(生きたまま電子顕微鏡で動物を観察する技術)なので読み始めましたが,特に,がしっくりしません. どなたか添削をお願いします. 因みにA thin polymer membrane, nan...(続きを読む)

英語の文を読んでいたらよくでてきたり、HPのタイトルにもよくなっているstop and smell the rosesの語源をしりたいのです。 意味はわかるのですが。(続きを読む)





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