
Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven Accused Of Sexual Assault On The Entourage Set ...
4 hours ago ... UPDATE 6:26 P.M. EST: Variety reports CBS, the network hosting Piven's current show Wisdom of the Crowd, released a statement on Tuesday, saying, "We are aware of the media reports and are looking into the matter." ...(続きを読む)

'looking into' sexual harassment allegations made against Jeremy ...
On Twitter Monday, actress Ariane Bellamar claimed that while on the set of Entourage and again at the Playboy Mansion, Piven "cornered" and groped her. Bellamar did not say if the alleged incident took place during shooting of the ...(続きを読む)

Zender onderzoekt beschuldiging seksuele intimidatie Jeremy Piven ...
2 uur geleden ... CBS onderzoekt een beschuldiging van Ariane Bellamar die zegt door Jeremy Piven te zijn aangerand tijdens het filmen van de serie Entourage.(続きを読む)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAr6oAKieHk&list=FLkysNG-Q9mBOVlBwDeXSPqQ この...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAr6oAKieHk&list=FLkysNG-Q9mBOVlBwDeXSPqQ この曲の題名を教えてください。(続きを読む)

すみません!!英語が得意な方に質問です。 下の英文を和訳してください。お願いしま...
すみません!!英語が得意な方に質問です。 下の英文を和訳してください。お願いします。 Miley Cyrus just put up her first video from the set of So Undercover! The 18-year-old actress shared, “All the girls are leaving and we’re now doing scenes with just me and my dad [Mike O'Malley]. We already had our party, because we wanted everyone to be there. It was so much fun.” Miley added on one of her favorite moments of the wrap party, “Jeremy [Piven] actually got up and played the drums for ‘I Love Rock ‘n Roll,’ and that was so cool. Fun times.”(続きを読む)

名脇役俳優さんについてです。 ブリジット・フォンダ主演の「シングルス」で キャンベル・スコットが彼女の為に妊娠検査薬を マーケットで購入するときのレジの男性役や、 ニコラス・...(続きを読む)





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