
17th Amendment


17th Amendment: Popular Election of Senators
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the ...(続きを読む)

アメリカ政治 アメリカ政治に関する最近のニュース記事について。 アメリカの政治...
アメリカ政治 アメリカ政治に関する最近のニュース記事について。 アメリカの政治の授業で、スクラップブックを作ることになりました。 項目は、 liberty natural rights, representative government, popular sovereignty,check & balances, entitlements, constitutionality 各項目一つずつ記事(過去4か月以内)を見つけなければならないのですが、なかなか見つかりません。 どなたか、全項目でなくてもいいので記事のURLを貼っていただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。(続きを読む)

至急!次のの文を訳して下さい。 The United States is officially a secular soci...
至急!次のの文を訳して下さい。 The United States is officially a secular society. Although religious freedom is guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Constitution, the document forbids an established religion, also known as the separation of church and state. Yet Americans are among the most religious people in the world, and the influence of religion on social and political life has often been intense, especially in recent years. Controversies over morality, education, and politics have divided religionists, especially evangelical Christians, and secularists. Is America truly “one nation under God,” as the Pledge of Allegiance says? Religion has been an important part of American national identity and mission in the world since the country’s founding. The Puritans who established the Massachusetts colony in the 17th century believed the America would become “a city on a hill,” an example to the rest of the world of a community guided by God. American settlement of the west was also part of God’s plan. But by the 1970s, many Americans believed that their country had turned its back on God. Politicized groups of evangelical and fundamentalist Christians such as the Moral Majority called for a return to religion.(続きを読む)





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