Wish Upon
Film Review: 'Wish Upon' | Variety
11 hours ago ... By any normal standards, teen horror pic “Wish Upon” is a pretty bad movie. But its badness is of such a distinct and kooky character that it can't help but exert an inadvertent charm.(続きを読む)
Wish Upon Movie Review & Film Summary (2017) | Roger Ebert
10 hours ago ... "Wish Upon" is another one of those movies that would be memorable if it were a lot better or a lot worse. Joey King ("Oz the Great and Powerful") stars as Claire Shannon, a teenage girl whose mother killed herself years ...(続きを読む)
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wish_upon_a_catさん はやはり zuiko_loverさんですか? zuiko_loverさん らしい書き方です。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13129328263 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12129073667 ともかく初心者ではないでしょう。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q11118830326 今年1月から3か月程かけてIDを切り替えた様に見えますが、、、書込み時刻が見事に3か月間一度も混在していません。 それに zuiko_loverさんへのBA率は90%近く。(続きを読む)
My little gift from god! The guiding light that leads me through life! Without you ,I wouldn't be who I am. You've given me the will to live. You are the star that I wish upon 英文合ってますか? 詳しい人宜しくお願いします...(続きを読む)