

朝の1分で顔のむくみを撃退! 美肌効果もある、スペシャル小顔ケア法
朝起きて、鏡で自分の顔を見ると気になるのが、顔のむくみ……。特にお酒を飲んだ翌朝は、会社に行くのが憂うつになるほどむくむことも。「あ!むくんでる!」と気づいたら即、治せる手軽な方法はないものか。 前回に続き、目白鍼灸院の柳本 真弓(やなもと・まゆみ)先生に、 (続きを読む)

メール題名 Thank you for the Skype Meeting Dear Gao Susan, I am writing to yo...
メール題名 Thank you for the Skype Meeting Dear Gao Susan, I am writing to you because I want to thank you for the talking with some people who work in Intel. I had a great time and I did my best to talk my communication skills and skills for presentation with Power-Point. I storongly think I want to work with the people in Skype Meeting. Yours sincerely, Edo Masahiro 下記のようなメールが届き、そのインターンシップの電話面接を終えた後の御礼のメールを自分なりに上記のように考えたのですが、アドバイスをいただけますでしょうか。 Dear Masahiro Edo, I am writing to you on behalf of Intel Corporate Services. We have received and reviewed your resume for the position Marketing and Communication Intern in Tsukuba, Japan. Our Hiring Team would like to explore further your candidacy for this position. We would like to find out more about your experiences and skillsets in this field and would like to understand how you could contribute to our company. The purpose of the interview is to assess your suitability for this position from both technical and cultural aspects. We anticipate that the call will last about 30mins for each session. You are invited for a phone interview (mandatory for both interview sessions) on the below date/time where we will be calling you at the contact number below: Thank you for your continued interest in this position. We very much look forward to talking with you on the above date/time.(続きを読む)





急上昇 トレンド ワード 新着 まとめサイトへようこそ!



