Corrine Brown
Ex-Rep. Corrine Brown guilty on fraud, tax evasion charges | Fox ...
1 day ago ... Former Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown was found guilty on 18 fraud and tax evasion charges Thursday afternoon in a Jacksonville federal court. The charges stemmed from accusations she illegally siphoned thousands of ...(続きを読む)
Former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown Convicted Of Stealing From Phony ...
1 day ago ... Former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown has been found guilty of siphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from a charity that she and her chief of staff had passed off as a scholarship service for students. The Florida Democrat had ...(続きを読む)
Former US Rep. Spent Scholarship Charity Money On Trips, Concerts
Former US Rep. Spent Scholarship Charity Money On Trips, Concerts. Corrine Brown has been convicted of using money that was supposed to go to scholarships to fund her lavish lifestyle(続きを読む)
Prosecutors spend day following money trail in Corrine Brown case
Corrine Brown used donated funds as a personal slush fund, prosecutors spent the day following the money trail with testimony from Brown's tax preparer and an FBI forensic accountant(続きを読む)
Chris Brownの曲でChris Brownがベットの中に潜り込んでいくMVの曲ってありますか...
Chris Brownの曲でChris Brownがベットの中に潜り込んでいくMVの曲ってありますか? どうしても思い出せないので教えて欲しいです。(続きを読む)
In Elko, Mrs. Clinton responded directly
The Clinton campaign also concentrated criticism on Senator Obama for recently saying that “it's fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10 to 15 years." In Elko, Mrs. Clinto...(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- AMBER Alert (2017/05/13)
- Melissa McCarthy (2017/05/13)
- Corrine Brown (2017/05/13)
- Cole Sprouse (2017/05/13)
- Snatched (2017/05/13)