
Blue Whale game


Man behind 'Blue Whale' suicide is jailed, but says he is 'cleansing ...
9 hours ago ... The Russian man behind a social media challenge which urges young people to kill themselves says he is "cleansing society". The online social media game reportedly targets at-risk participants, taking them through a series ...(続きを読む)

I was cleansing society: Man behind 'Blue Whale' suicide game that ...
8 hours ago ... The man behind the suicide game - Blue Whale Challenge - targeting children has declared he thinks of his victims as "biological waste". He told police that they were "happy to die" and he was "cleansing society". According ...(続きを読む)

Man behind Blue Whale suicide 'game' says he's 'cleansing society'
Philipp Budeikin, 21, from Russia, is being held on charges of inciting at least 16 schoolgirls to kill themselves by taking part in a game he invented called 'Blue Whale'. The 21-year-old, who has now confessed to the crimes, says he thinks his(続きを読む)

Parents worry about Blue Whale Challenge
This deadly game is called the Blue Whale Challenge; it's described as a 50-day challenge where teens complete dangerous and harmful activities, then on day 50 they commit suicide(続きを読む)

この問題の答えをお願いします。 1.次の語または句に適する日本語の意味を(A)...
この問題の答えをお願いします。 1.次の語または句に適する日本語の意味を(A)~(T)から選び【】に入れなさい。 (1)whale (2)ocean (3)journey (4)ahead (5)kilometer (6)dangerous (7)protect (8)survival (9)butterfly (10)fly (11)south (12)north (13)generation (14)cycle (15)fall (16)spring (17)give up (18)fly back (19)life (20)travel (A)飛ぶ (B)あきらめる (C)旅する、進む (D)北に (E)南に (F)旅 (G)鯨 (H)キロメートル (I)護る (J)循環 (K)秋 (L)春 (M)蝶 (N)先に、前途に (O)危険な (P)飛んで戻る (Q)生命、生活、人生 (R)世代 (S)海洋、大洋、海 (T)生存、生き抜くこと 2.次の英文を和訳しなさい。 (1)Look at this picture. (2)The whale is swimming in the blue ocean with its baby. (3)They have a long journey ahead - about 20,000 kilometers! (4)Their journey is difficult and sometimes dangerous. (5)The mother protects her baby. (6)This is a journey for survival. (7)These little butterflies are traveling,too. (8)Some travel about 3,000 kilometers. (9)That is a long way,but they don't give up. (10)They fly south in fall. (11)In spring,only the new generation flies back north. (12)This is their cycle of life. 3.次の文字の各単語の「」の発音は、(A)~(D)の単語の「」のうちの一つと同じである。同じ単語の記号を答えよ (1)wh「a」le (A)b「a」by (B)tr「a」vel (C)b「a」ck (D)「a」bout (2)o「c」ean (A)「s」pring (B)「s」outh (C)「c」ycle (D)「sh」ow (3)「g」eneration (A)sprin「g」 (B)lon「g」 (C)「j」ourney (D)「g」ive (4)surv「i」val (A)fl「y」 (B)l「i」ttle (C)fr「i」end (D)pla「y」 4.次の現在形の文を現在進行形の文にしなさい。 (1)My father cooks in the kitchen. (2)My mother watches a soccer game on TV. (3)I write to my friend. (4)It rains hard. (5)He studies English. 皆さん何卒よろしくお願いします。(続きを読む)

小学校の英語教育 小学校の英語の授業で使われる予定の「英語ノート」って どんな...
小学校の英語教育 小学校の英語の授業で使われる予定の「英語ノート」って どんなレベルの英単語が使われているのでしょうか? 小学5年生の姪っ子が英語を習いたいらしいので、 小学校の英語ってどんなものだろうと思って…。 よろしくお願いいたします。(続きを読む)

タイトルや歌詞に地名が入った曲でお好きなものがあれば教えてください。 (新旧、洋邦、ジャンル、一切問いません) 私はこんなのが好きです。 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California https://www.yout...(続きを読む)

タイトルや歌詞に「You」や「I」が入った曲でお好きなものがあれば教えてください。 (新旧、洋邦、ジャンル、一切問いません) 私は、こんなのが好きです。 Glenn Frey - You Belong To The City - htt...(続きを読む)





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