May 1
"It's Gonna Be May": how a silly internet meme co-opted May Day - Vox
5 hours ago ... The coming of May 1, with its promise of spring and seasonal cultural rituals across the world, has always been a big deal. But in recent years, May has come to occupy a special place on the internet, which has become, ...(続きを読む)
Photos: UT Stabbings Reported on UT Campus in Austin on May 1 ...
2 hours ago ... Photos: Multiple stabbings reported on University of Texas campus on May 1, 2017.(続きを読む)
May Day protest: The history of May Day; why people are protesting
HAMBURG, GERMANY - MAY 01: Leftist protesters carrying signs condemning the upcoming G20 summit march in annual May Day demonstrations on May 1, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg will host the G20 summit in July. (Photo by Joern (続きを読む)
Term Sheet — Monday, May 1
No matter how fierce the competition in new tech categories may seem, there's always a good chance they'll end up merging(続きを読む)
英文法 may have doneの 1:したかもしれない 2:してしまうかもしれない と訳し方が...
英文法 may have doneの 1:したかもしれない 2:してしまうかもしれない と訳し方が2通りありますが、どのように見分ければいいのですか?(続きを読む)
1.He may say so. 彼は、そう言うかもしれない。 この文の過去形は He may have said so. 彼は、そう言ったかもしれない。 どうして He might say so. にならないのですか? 2.The door will not open. そのドア...(続きを読む)
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