Hans Zimmer
Watch Hans Zimmer Play a Terrifying 'Inception' Mashup at ...
20 hours ago ... Hans Zimmer, the loud man behind the original scores to films such as Gladiator, The Dark Knight, and Inception, and friend to Tyler, the Creator, played his own full-length fucking Coachella set last night and it was just as ...(続きを読む)
Coachella 2017: Watch Pharrell Join Hans Zimmer for “Freedom ...
1 day ago ... Last night, Hans Zimmer made his music festival debut at Coachella. Backed by an orchestra, the legendary composer performed selections from his movie scores including The Lion King (featuring vocals from Lebo M), ...(続きを読む)
Hans Zimmer bracht Inception-score live op Coachella
Hans Zimmer betrad afgelopen weekend voor het eerst het podium om zijn eigen muziek te brengen. Dit deed hij op het hippe Californische festival Coachella. Naast fragmenten uit Zimmers scores van Pirates of the Caribbean en The Dark Knight passeerde (続きを読む)
Film composer facing his fears
But there's one thing Zimmer could not do until now - and that is muster the courage to bring the music that has soundtracked more than 30 years of cinema to the live stage(続きを読む)
この動画に使われている曲は何ですか? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LzVyVPFG...
この動画に使われている曲は何ですか? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LzVyVPFGCI&feature=fvsr(続きを読む)
「Driving Miss Daisy」のテーマ曲を教えて!
映画「Driving Miss Daisy」のテーマ曲名を調べておりますが、 自力では中々判明しません。 サントラ盤は国内盤は既に廃盤との事で、 輸入盤しかなく、入手に時間もかかるとの事。 今月半...(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- Boston Marathon 2017 (2017/04/19)
- Bruins (2017/04/18)
- Hans Zimmer (2017/04/18)
- Hoda Kotb (2017/04/18)
- Hoda Kotb (2017/04/18)