
The Case for Christ


Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace - Christian Apologetics
Online home to J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold Case Christianity and Christian apologist.(続きを読む)

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel on Vimeo
2010年12月18日 - 17分Evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. http://www.leestrobel .com.(続きを読む)

Christopher "moot" Poole": The case for anonymity online | TED Talk ...
2010年6月2日 - 13分The founder of 4chan, a controversial, uncensored online imageboard, describes its subculture ...(続きを読む)

Former atheist's 'Case for Christ' hits big screen
Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is a TV producer and the co-host of "Kennedy Classics." He has also written or co-written 24 books, including "The Book That Made America" (on the Bible) and (with D. James Kennedy) "What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?(続きを読む)

Faith is waning in America? I dissent.
As portrayed in The Case for Christ, the forthcoming movie based on our story, I set out to disprove her beliefs and rescue her from the cult of Christianity(続きを読む)

下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 Perhaps a good place to start is with the ...
下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 Perhaps a good place to start is with the issue of abortion. In America, abortion continues to be one of the most controversial issues in the country. Although only a minority of people is against legal abortions, they have a very loud voice and some have even killed doctors who have performed abortions. During presidential elections, candidates are very careful about making comments on abortion because it is such a sensitive issue. It is so sensitive because conservative Christians are against abortion. These values conflict with traditional North American ideas about individual rights, including the control a woman has over her own body. The open discussion of issues like abortion, even though they are sometimes private, continues a tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks who stressed the importance of an open debate of ideas. In the case of Japan, the abortion rate is high partly because the birth control pill is not widely used and partly because it is still society unacceptable for a single woman to have a baby. The issue of abortion is seldom debated openly in Japan as it is in North America. This, at first, may seem strange because most Japanese consider themselves Buddhists and Buddhism is strongly against the taking of a life. However, Japan’s quiet attitude toward abortion may reflect the dislike that Japanese have for discussing very personal issues openly. Discussions on such matters can easily disrupt harmony, which makes it a taboo subject.(続きを読む)

仮定法過去で完了を表わすことはできますか? 「もし、今、その仕事を片付けたところでなかったら」とか「もし、が今まで外国に行ったことがなかったら」というようにふつうなら現在完...(続きを読む)





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