Mumbai: BJP and Sena supporters involved in verbal clash during Shivaji Memorial inauguration ceremonyWhile PWD Minister Chandrkanat Patil was speaking, a spontaneous war of words broke out between BJP and Sena supporters. Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis interrupted Patil midway through his speech and took control of mic and appealed to the (続きを読む)
バーバルスクワットとレッグカールって鍛えられる部位違いますか? また、レッグカ...
バーバルスクワットとレッグカールって鍛えられる部位違いますか? また、レッグカールで太ももの内側は鍛えられますか?(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- pkcz (2016/12/25)
- makidai (2016/12/25)
- verbal (2016/12/25)
- 大黒摩季 (2016/12/25)
- awa (2016/12/25)