「 ご飯? お風呂? 私?」――“ボカロ曲”歌うロボット掃除機「COCOROBO」、シャープが開発前衆議院議員 東国原氏が語る「地域活性化」とは? シャープは、ロボット掃除機「COCOROBO」のVOCALOIDコラボレーションモデルを「CEATEC JAPAN 2016」(10月4~7日、千葉・幕張メッセ)に参考出展する。ユーザーの好みに合わせ、VOCALOID曲を歌いながら掃除する (続きを読む)
注目はAI搭載のロボット 「CEATEC」があす開幕
アジア最大級のIT・エレクトロニクスの展示会「CEATEC JAPAN」が4日からの一般公開を前に報道陣に公開されました。今年の注目は「人工知能」を搭載したロボットです。 オムロンの卓球ロボットはラリー開始からわずか5秒で、ラケットの振り方や球の速さなどから技術レベルを (続きを読む)
和訳してほしい英文があります 少し長いですがお願いします! With electric vehic...
和訳してほしい英文があります 少し長いですがお願いします! With electric vehicles emerging as a key market, more and more floor space at Japan's largest home electronics trade fair is being taken up by auto manufactures - and less by home electronics. Toyota Motor Corp. took part in the CEATEC Japan 2012 exhibition in Chiba for the first time, while electronics giant Hitachi Ltd. presented no home electronics products, another first for the show. "Technologies for vehicles and home electronics are getting extremely close to each other, as automobiles are increasingly technology," a managing officer at Toyota said. The two industries are now seeking a tighter collaboration. Norio Sasaki, president of Toshiba Corp., visited Toyota's booth on Oct. 2 and passionately promoted the company's battery. "We have a storage battery that retains its initial capacity even work together more." Toyota, for its part, unveiled the Smart INSECT, a concept electriv vehicle it calls a "moving information terminal." The ultra-compact car, which is equipped with motion sensors, is movements and turning on lights using voice controls. And Toshiba and Mitubishi Electric Corp. are also using electric vehicles in their booths to promote their systems in which vehicles supply electricity to home appliances or receive it from residential storage batteries. "I have visited CEATEC for nearly three decades, but this is the first time I have seen so many vehicles displayed," a senior official at an electronics component maker said. "The electronics industry's emphasis will shift from smartphones to electric vehicles."(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- 台風進路 (2016/10/04)
- 川谷絵音 (2016/10/04)
- CEATEC (2016/10/04)
- 台風10号 (2016/10/04)
- 台風 (2016/10/04)