
Rose Sheep

新店舗続報!|Rose Sheep ~羊たちの社交場~
着々と準備が進んでおります。 研修も気合いが入ってます。 ホームページ制作中です。 http://rose-group.wix.com/primerose 随時更新していきますので、要チェックです! オリジナルシンメトリーなダブルセラピストの贅沢コースもあります。(続きを読む)

Sheep trail, selfie buckets and love café | Branded3
The charity has worked with artists, designers and even celebrities to create 70 b-ewe-tiful giant Shaun the Sheep sculptures and placed them around both Bristol and London as a children's summer trail. ... About Carrie Rose Balloch. After studying New Media at University of Leeds, Carrie uses her experience in PR and knowledge on digital to develop creative campaigns for Branded3's clients. As a member of the PR team, and heading up PR stunts along with ...(続きを読む)

Shane Rose makes history at Adelaide
New Zealander Clarke Johnstone was third riding Balmoral Sensation, while Sonja Johnson was fourth with Parkiarrup Illicit Liaison(続きを読む)

What's Happening for November (UPDATED Nov. 24)
West Jackson County Utility District meeting: 9 a.m., District Office, 7312 Rose Farm Road, Ocean Springs. Details: ... Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen's Thanksgiving lunch to the homeless and needy: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 2615 19th St., Gulfport. Soup kitchen(続きを読む)

日本語訳がわからないんです(´;ω;`) Please... draw me a sheep. I realli li...
日本語訳がわからないんです(´;ω;`) Please... draw me a sheep. I realli like sunsets. One bay I saw the sun set forty-four times! You know, when you' re feeling very sad, sunsets. You talk like the grown-ups! If someone loves a flower of which just one exampi exists among all the millions and millions of stars, that's enongh to make him happy when he looks at the stars. I shouldn't have listened to hey, You must never listen to flowers. You must look at them and smell them. Mine perfumed my planet, but I didn't know how to enjoy that. In those bays I didn't understand anything. I was too young to know how to love her. Good-bye Good-bye I' ve been silly. I ask your forgiverness. Try to be happy. Of course I love you. It was my fault you never knew. It doesn't matter. But you were just as silly as I was. Try to be happy... I thounht Iwas rich be-cause I had just one flower, and all I own is an ordinery rose. The stars are beautiful because of a flower you don't see... What makes the desert beautihul, is that it hides a well somewhere... People where you live, yet thay don't find what they're looking for... They don't find it, And yet what they're looking for could be found in a single rose, or a little water... But eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart. I'm leaving today, too. Tonight, it'll be a year. My star will be just about the place where I fell last year... At night, you'll look up at the stars. It's too small, where I live, for me to show you where my star is. It's better that way. My star will be... one of the stars, for you. So you'll like looking at all of them. They'll all be your friends. I won't leave you. 日本語になおしたいんですが・・・ 私、英語わからないんです(´Д⊂ どなたか、日本語に訳せる人、お願いします;;(続きを読む)





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