Grow As People
Storm in a teacup as gardeners realise UK climate is perfect for growing your own cuppa"I suspect a lot of people won't know that tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and that it can be grown in their back gardens quite successfully. "We do have a lot of customers coming to us because they want Camellia sinensis plants to grow(続きを読む)
Maybe this will inspire you to get your hands dirty: 6 steps to growing your own backyard pot plant
That's nearly one out of five adults nurturing a would-be green thumb for the green stuff. It's not legal everywhere—in fact, not in most places—but that isn't stopping a lot of people. If it's illegal to grow pot where you live, that's something to(続きを読む)
yakoh_resshaさん、本日はすばらしい和訳を頂きありがとうございました。 お時間ご...
yakoh_resshaさん、本日はすばらしい和訳を頂きありがとうございました。 お時間ございましたら、今回も以下の英文を和訳していただけないでしょうか。できればよろしくお願いいたします。 度々すみませんが。yakoh_resshaさんはチャリチャリ知恵コインを10万枚も集められたようで、すごいと思います。 Yet some performers are unconvinced. Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, has called Spotify “the last desperate fart of a dying corpse”. Music services have responded by being more open about how artists are paid, and arguing that their cheques will grow larger as more people sign up, as has happened in Sweden (see article). It is more complicated in countries with a well-established download market, such as America and Britain, where industry executives worry that streaming may cannibalise downloads. However, the bigger issue for artists is that so few people overall pay for music, says Will Page, an economist at Spotify: “Half the population in the West spends nothing on music. You can’t cannibalise zero.” For years music has been a toxic place to invest. But the internet is at last “bringing sexy back”, as Justin Timberlake, a pop star turned actor and entrepreneur, might say. Since 2009 investors have poured more than $1 billion into digital-music services in private transactions. Speculation is mounting that Spotify, which was reportedly valued last year at more than $5 billion, will soon go public. Shares in Pandora, already listed, have nearly tripled in the past year. Its market capitalisation is now almost $7 billion.(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- ル・コルビュジエ (2016/05/18)
- 杉谷慎太郎 (2016/05/18)
- Grow As People (2016/05/18)
- 日向灘 (2016/05/18)
- チャリで来た (2016/05/18)