悪童キリオスと大差なし? 錦織圭の“醜悪”試合マナー好プレーも台無しだ。マドリード・オープン男子シングルス準々決勝で第6シードの錦織圭(26・世界ランク6位)は、ニック・キリオス(豪州・21=同21位)を6-7、7-6、6-3の接戦で下し、ベスト4へ進出。準決勝の相手はジョコビッチに決まった。 錦織が倒したキリオスは、暴言 (続きを読む)
マドリードOP、錦織圭は決勝進出逃す. 2016年5月8日 05:38 注目 スポーツ · Twitter · facebook · +1 · B! hatena · テニスのマドリードOP男子シングルス準決勝で錦織圭はジョコビッチに3―6、6―7で敗れ、決勝進出逃す。(共同通信). » 観光客に質の高いサービスを提供 (続きを読む)
錦織圭さんのNYタイムズの記事の冒頭です。どなたか日本語訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 As Kei Nishikori has kept fighting through imposing obstacles at this United States Open, his coach Michael Chang has kept reminding him, “Great effort, but the tournament is not over yet.” It certainly is not. After fighting his way through consecutive five-set matches to earn a semifinal spot against No. 1-seeded Novak Djokovic, Nishikori extended his one-man show of resilience by upsetting Djokovic to reach the final. His remarkable 6-4, 1-6, 7-6 (4), 6-3 victory on Saturday made him the first man from Asia to reach a Grand Slam singles final. “It’s, I don’t know, 4 o’clock in the morning,” Nishikori, 24, said of the time in his native Japan. “But I hope a lot of people are watching.” If they were not on Saturday, they will be soon. Nishikori, who left home at age 14 to train at the IMG Academy in Bradenton Fla., was a star in his homeland. His run here and his victory over Djokovic will take him to a new level.(続きを読む)
- 関連記事
- 小島瑠璃子 (2016/05/15)
- 相楽樹 (2016/05/15)
- 錦織圭 (2016/05/15)
- ナイナイアンサー (2016/05/15)
- 田丸麻紀 (2016/05/14)