Bosnian war general Slobodan Praljak dies after drinking poison at ... 17 hours ago ... Praljak, 72, drank from a bottle shortly after appeals judges confirmed his sentence for involvement in a campaign to drive Muslims out of a...(続きを読む)
Slobodan Praljak wypił truciznę przed sądem. Nie żyje [wideo ... 16 godz. temu ... Chorwacki zbrodniarz wojenny zmarł w szpitalu po zażyciu trucizny podczas odczytywania wyroku w Międzynarodowym Sądzie Karnym w Hadze. Slobodan Praljak miał 72 lata.(続きを読む)
名前の分からない卓球選手が居るので教えてください LAKEEV Vasily RUS RUBTSOV I... 名前の分からない卓球選手が居るので教えてください LAKEEV Vasily RUS RUBTSOV Igor RUS CHMIEL Pawel POL BUROV Viacheslav RUS FERTIKOWSKI Pawel POL HORVAT Mitja SVN SHIBAEV Alexander RUS VLASOV Grigory RUS PLACHY Josef CZE BARDON Michal SVK GRUJIC Slobodan SRB OLEJNIK Martin CZE KRISTON Daniel HUN GORAK Daniel POL CIHAK Marek CZE FLORAS Robert POL KONECNY Tomas CZE LIVENTSOV Alexey RUS こんなにいっぱいすみません(続きを読む)
この英文を和訳してもらえませんか??翻訳サイトなどは使わないでください。よろ... この英文を和訳してもらえませんか??翻訳サイトなどは使わないでください。よろしくお願いします。 In the fragmented territory of the former Yugoslavia, the journey now require four different locomotives from four separate railroad companies, two passport checks and more than eight hours to travel about 480 kilometers, or 300 miles. But passengers during the busy travel season around the Orthodox Christmas this past week called it the nostalgia train, and they expressed the hope that it was a signal of future harmony and not just a chance to reminiscence about better times now long past. Technical and economic obstacles to restoring the rail line were harder to overcome than political divisions, said Slobodan Rosic, head of the Serbian Railroad directorate, but the last two years saw intensive negotiations to get the trains moving again, even though they were not expected to be profitable right away. “Psychologically, this is a very good thing,” Mr. Rosic said.(続きを読む)