American Made
American Made CoalitionOur tax code is broken and outdated. Congress has a once in a generation opportunity to enact permanent, transformative tax reform that significantly lowers rates and levels the playing field for American businesses and workers.(続きを読む)
'American Made' review: Stretched but slick storytelling - The Hindu
9 hours ago ... From smuggling Cuban cigars to becoming one of the most important cocaine tranporters the Colombian Medellín Cartel; Barry Seal (Tom Cruise) went the whole hog in a short time. The biographical crime film, American ...(続きを読む)
American Made Index - Cars.com
What makes an 'American' car? U.S.-based headquarters? American-sourced parts? American manufacturing jobs? Cars.com evaluates these and other criteria each year to answer these questions and more. Find out which cars top the list ...(続きを読む)
中学 高校 英語 この問題を解いてくださいm(_ _)m Mr.Brown:An american student m...
中学 高校 英語 この問題を解いてくださいm(_ _)m Mr.Brown:An american student made this bento. Yui:Did you make bentos b ack home,too? Mr.BrownNo,I don't. They weren't common,but I once tried a bento. They're healthy and eco-friendly. You can have bentos anywhere,anytime,and with anyone. 問題 Why does he like bentos? ご回答よろしくお願いします。(続きを読む)
英語に翻訳してください!! 〇〇は名前が入ります ヤングアメリカンズや〇〇に出会えたおかげ...
英語に翻訳してください!! 〇〇は名前が入ります ヤングアメリカンズや〇〇に出会えたおかげで素晴らしい世界を知ることが出来ました。 いつかあなたと同じ立場になって〇〇が見ている...(続きを読む)