




木村草太(クサった)は、下賤かつ下劣な憲法学者なのか。立憲主義とバカを騙る。 で...
木村草太(クサった)は、下賤かつ下劣な憲法学者なのか。立憲主義とバカを騙る。 では、借問する。 憲法1条「その地位は国民の総意に基づく」と規程があるが、 新憲法制定の際に、 「総意」ってのは、日本国民全員の総意のはず。 1,国民投票をしたのか。 2,その国民投票の結果、日本国民の全員一致で「地位を」決めたのか。 3,それとも、その地位に賛成しないものは、日本国民ではないと断定されたのか。 日本共産党は、戦後間もなく「コミンテルンからの32年テーゼ」により天皇制に反対していたね。 戦後、一度も国民投票なんてのは実施されていないね。 木村クサ太は、これに答えていない。 併せて、天皇の「生前退位」について、「その地位は国民の総意に基づく」(1条)のなら、生前退位は国民投票により「国民の総意」を諮って、是非を決めるのが当然のはず。 しかるに、木村くさった(草太)は、生前退位の国民投票を騙らない、痴愚なのか。 憲法1条で、天皇の地位を「国民の総意」と規程しているのだから、生前退位に対して皇室典範の改正なんぞで木村草太(くさった)お茶を濁そうとしているね。 どこが立憲主義なのか。(続きを読む)


Patriots Score

5 takeaways from the Patriots' thrilling win over the Texans
23 hours ago ... Five takeaways from the 52nd come-from-behind victory of Tom Brady's career, a 36-33 Patriots' triumph over ... His defense wasn't great, allowing a rookie-led Texans offense to score 33 points, compile 23 first downs, and ...(続きを読む)

NFL Week 3: Patriots Beat Texans on Late Brandin Cooks TD | SI.com
1 day ago ... But against Houston, Cooks broke created enough space deep along the left sideline for a 44-yard gain to set up the Patriots' first touchdown, then broke away from his defender on a crossing route for a 42-yard score in the ...(続きを読む)

U.S. President Donald Trump has long boasted about his prowess on the golf co...
U.S. President Donald Trump has long boasted about his prowess on the golf course. Now he’s putting his game to work. The president spent a good part of Saturday golfing with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he hosted his first foreign leader at his winter estate in Palm Beach, Florida. After a rocky diplomatic start that included contentious phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, the friendly weekend of meetings, dinners and golf suggests the new president is willing to invest time in developing close personal relationships with leaders he feels he can work with. The president and his wife, Melania, hosted a delegation dinner with Abe and his wife, Akie, on Saturday night at his Mar-a-Lago estate. Trump ignored a shouted question about reports that North Korea had fired a ballistic missile. Focusing on the positive instead of a developing international event, Trump said Abe’s visit had been “very, very good” and that he and the Japanese leader “got to know each other very, very well” over their two days of meals, meetings and golfing. Trump and Abe, both frequent golfers, left Mar-a-Lago early Saturday morning and headed north to one of Trump’s golf courses in Jupiter, Florida. Reporters and photographers from both countries did not catch a glimpse of the pair as they played. But Trump later posted a photo of them giving each other a high-five on the golf course and tweeted, “Having a great time hosting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the United States!” He also tweeted that they had been joined by Ernie Els, a professional golfer. The Trump National Golf Club website, in typical Trumpian language, claims the course “features the finest revetted bunkers in the United States, incredible water hazards, including a magnificent island green, and one of the most picturesque landscapes, all of which make for a truly memorable round.” The pair also paid a visit to another nearby Trump property: The Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. Abe had joked at a joint press conference held at the White House in Washington on Friday that he was looking forward to playing golf with Trump, even though, he claimed, he is not nearly as good on the links. He said he planned to use the time to discuss the future of the world, the Pacific region and U.S.-Japanese relations. In a sign of unity, neither Japanese nor White House officials volunteered the pair’s final score. The White House issued a statement after the two leaders returned, saying the day was “both relaxing and productive. They had great conversations on a wide range of subjects, and the president looks forward to further discussions with the prime minister at dinner this evening.” As their husbands golfed, their wives, Melania and Akie, toured the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in nearby Delray Beach. It was Melania’s first solo event as first lady. The women had lunch together at Mar-a-Lago. The two couples touched down in Florida on Friday afternoon and headed straight to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, where they enjoyed a late dinner at its crowded patio restaurant. They were joined by Robert Kraft, the owner of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, and several interpreters. Paying members and club guests took in the scene and mingled with Trump and Abe into the night. Trump also was expected to tend to other business in Florida: calling Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos as he continues conversations with foreign leaders. Trump and Abe appear to have hit it off early, despite Trump’s sometimes hostile rhetoric toward Japan on the campaign trail. Abe was the only world leader to meet with Trump before his inauguration, and Trump welcomed Abe to the White House with a hug. As a candidate, Trump often railed against former President Barack Obama for his frequent golfing, claiming Obama played more often than players on the PGA Tour.(続きを読む)



ゴルフで「未完のまま終わった大器」と言えば誰を思い浮かべますか? ※但し質問と...
ゴルフで「未完のまま終わった大器」と言えば誰を思い浮かべますか? ※但し質問と関係ない回答はお断り致します。(続きを読む)




信長協奏曲の藤木直人って結局悪者だったんでしたっけ? 確か最後は殺されてしまい...
信長協奏曲の藤木直人って結局悪者だったんでしたっけ? 確か最後は殺されてしまいますよね?(続きを読む)


鈴木おさむ スマステ裏話

鈴木おさむ&大島美幸の子供の名前「笑福えふ」、どう思いますか? 何か狙ってる気...
鈴木おさむ&大島美幸の子供の名前「笑福えふ」、どう思いますか? 何か狙ってる気がしてならない。(続きを読む)



秋刀魚を買ってきました 明日夜食べます 内臓今日取らないとだめですか?
秋刀魚を買ってきました 明日夜食べます 内臓今日取らないとだめですか?(続きを読む)

PC-VL600R55ARを使用しています。 MaxellのMQの650MBのCD-Rを買って 挿入してるのですが、 "Eドライブにディスクを挿入して下さい" の表示になるのですが・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・(続きを読む)



來聖 ライセイ ってキラキラネーム dqnネームでしょうか 近づきにくい親子に感...
來聖 ライセイ ってキラキラネーム dqnネームでしょうか 近づきにくい親子に感じますか(続きを読む)



9・9新木場のCPEという団体のキャッ●ファイ●に、大仁田が来るそうですが、何するんでしょうか? Aky(ミスモンゴル)、アップルみゆき、佐野直、マグナム大江戸、 ヤマモ、アイアンマン西田 こんなにプロレス関係者がたくさん出ますが、 プロレスもやってくれるのでしょうか? キャッ●もプロレスの一種ですか?(続きを読む)





急上昇 トレンド ワード 新着 まとめサイトへようこそ!



