Western Wall
Trump visits Western Wall in Jerusalem - BBC News
2 hours ago ... Donald Trump becomes the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall in East Jerusalem, one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Earlier, he spoke alongside Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and demanded that Iran ...(続きを読む)
Western Wall | pilgrimage site, Jerusalem | Britannica.com
Western Wall, Hebrew Ha-Kotel Ha-Maʿaravi, also called Wailing Wall, in the Old City of Jerusalem, a place of prayer and pilgrimage sacred to the Jewish people. It is the only remains of the Second Temple of Jerusalem, held to be uniquely ...(続きを読む)
Trump visits Western Wall, says he didn't mention Israel to Russians
Trump, wearing a black skullcap, on Monday became the first sitting president to visit the Western Wall. Trump touched it in prayer and, adhering to tradition, placed a note in a deep crevice(続きを読む)
Cabinet said set to approve Western Wall elevator for disabled persons
According to the plan, the elevator shaft will measure 33 meters from top to bottom and a pedestrian tunnel leading from the elevator to the Western Wall security checkpoint will be 65 meters long. The project will also include an entrance hall to the(続きを読む)
WEBの翻訳以外でお願いします It had one other unique feature the black Maria w...
WEBの翻訳以外でお願いします It had one other unique feature the black Maria was mounted on a railway turntable which mean it could be cranked round to follow the sun. In it Dickson produced strips of film 15 meters long for showing in Edison's peep-show kinetoscopes.He filmed all kinds of celebrities such as Buffalo Bill Cody and Western heroine Annie Oakley, as well as athletes of the day. Although Edison was making lots of money out of his kinetoscopes, he recognised that there was more money to be made showing films on a white wall to a room full of people. Between 1905 and 1908 more than 10000movie theaters opened their doors in the USA. They were called nickelodeons because people were charged five cents a nickel to get in.(続きを読む)
タイトルや歌詞に「前後左右」や「上下」等の方向に関する言葉が入った曲で お好きなものがあれば教えてください。 (洋邦、新旧、ジャンル一切問いません) 私はこんなのが好きです。 D...(続きを読む)