Salyu、小林武史との『minima』新形態ライブを下北沢GARDEN ... Salyuが12月7日、10日に下北沢GARDENにて『a brand new concert issue " m i n i m a " - ミニマ - Salyu × 小林武史 - session 1 -』を開催すると発表した。 同公演は、1年半前に開催された『minima』の別形態。当日はドラムのあらき ...(続きを読む)
ELT持田香織さんの「旅猿」出演が爆笑・可愛い・超和む! | Live ... 2015/10/4より放送の「東野・岡村の旅猿8 プライベートでごめんなさい…」人気番組のシーズン8はEvery Little Thing(以下ELT)の持田香織さんがゲストに選ばれました。「旅猿」で見せてくれた持田さんの魅力を振り返ります.(続きを読む)
News | 持田香織 OFFICIAL WEB SITE エイベックスによる持田香織公式ページ。ディスコグラフィー、曲の視聴、ファンクラブの案内。(続きを読む)
和訳をお願いします。 The Left Hemisphere Most of the evidence that supports o... 和訳をお願いします。 The Left Hemisphere Most of the evidence that supports our hypothesis does not come from direct observation but rather from observations of behavior that favors one or the other side of the body. In the vertebrate nervous system,the connections cross between body and brain—to a large degree, nerves to and from one side of the body are linked to the opposite-side hemisphere of the brain. Evidence for the first part of our hypothesis—that the vertebrate left hemisphere specoalizes in controlling routine, internally directed behaviors—has been building for some time. One routine behavior with a rightward bias across many vertebrates is feeding. Fishes,reptiles and toads, for instance, tend to strike at prey on their right side under the guidance of their right eye and left hemisphere. In a variety of bird species— chickens, pigeons, quails and stilts—the right eye is the primary guide for various kinds of food pecking and prey capture. In one instance, such a lateralized feeding preference has apparently led to a lateralized bias in the animal's external anatomy. The beak of the New Zealand wry-billed plover slopes to the right;that way, the plover's right eye can guide the beak as the bird seeks food under small river stones.(続きを読む)